A new Human Rights Watch report describes suffering in the Libyan city of Sirte
dozens of interviews, some conducted by email and phone, Human Rights
Watch discovered that locals in the Libyan city of Sirte are suffering
from severe atrocities at the hands of the Islamic State and are
deprived of necessities.
“As if beheading and shooting perceived enemies isn’t enough, ISIS is causing terrible suffering in Sirte even for Muslims who follow its rules,” Letta Tayler of Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday. “While the world’s attention is focused on atrocities in Syria and Iraq, ISIS is also getting away with murder in Libya.”
“As if beheading and shooting perceived enemies isn’t enough, ISIS is causing terrible suffering in Sirte even for Muslims who follow its rules,” Letta Tayler of Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday. “While the world’s attention is focused on atrocities in Syria and Iraq, ISIS is also getting away with murder in Libya.”