Friday, 20 May 2016

London’s Ex-Mayor Wrote A Goat Sex Poem About Turkey’s President

Boris Johnson won 1,000 pounds in a contest to lyrically insult Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The former mayor of London, Boris Johnson, just won 1,000 pounds, thanks to an extremely rude poem he wrote about Turkey’s notoriously thin-skinned president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The winning work describes the Turkish leader having sex with a goat.
But the story behind it is a multi-country saga involving freedom of speech, the Syrian refugee crisis, and another lewd poem. But it begins with a president’s inability to laugh off a little online teasing.
Last month, President Erdogan attempted to have a German comedian named Jan Böhmermann prosecuted for his recitation of a rude poem about Erdogan on his television show. Erdogan cited an obscure German law that prohibits Germans from insulting foreign heads of state.

279 Pregnant Women May Have Zika In The U.S. And Territories

The CDC released some startling numbers today, and announced a change in the way cases will be counted

157 pregnant women in the United States are infected with Zika, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced today in an emailed press release. There are also another 122 pregnant women with Zika in U.S. territories, bringing the total to 279.
It’s not quite clear if that’s an absolute increase in infections, however—the CDC announced that it was broadening the criteria for reporting cases of Zika. In the past, Zika cases were reported only if the lab results came back as positive, and if there were observable symptoms or pregnancy complications. Now, in light of several recent reports, the CDC will count women as Zika cases if they have “laboratory evidence of a recent Zika infection,” even if they don’t have symptoms.

Creating A Genetically Perfect Athlete

A fully artificial human genome may soon be possible, but the author of "The Sports Gene" raises doubts about its athletic application

A recent meeting at Harvard Medical School raised the possibility of creating an entirely synthetic human genome within 10 years. Of course, that’s already inspiring some to ruminate on the possibility of a perfect athlete—even more physically ideal than LeBron James, Mike Trout, Usain Bolt, or Tom Brady.
“And if a human can be built entirely from scratch, making that human perfect at something, such as sports, seems like a logical step in the futuristic direction,” SportTechie’s Josh Shanes wrote. “All of this is to say that the artificial generation of a perfect athlete doesn’t seem nearly as far-fetched as it once did.”
Put aside the ethical questions—and there are many—and realize this: just because the technology exists to create a fully customized genome, doesn’t mean anyone truly knows how it all works.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Reasons You Should Get A Dog

Aly DelaCouer, a dog trainer and founder of the new website, is proving that there is actually extensive scientific proof that it truly is a good idea to get a dog. Here are just a few of the SCIENTIFIC reasons to get a dog:
Healing Powers
Dogs boost your immune system and will help you recover from illness twice as quickly as you would on your own.
A recent survey by Dogs Trust found that you are 85% more approachable with a dog by your side and 60% of people find dog owners more attractive. Perhaps update your profile picture to include one with your pup!
Below Are 9 Scientific Reasons to Get a Dog and The Research to Back Them Up:

Illustration: Vocativ
Soon, our ocean floors will likely be occupied with hibernating U.S. military drones, just waiting to be roused from their slumber—emerging from the water to fly off on a mission as soon as a drone pilot, thousands of miles away, triggers them.
In 2013, DARPA announced its Upward Falling Payload (UFP) program, a concept for a network of drone-containing capsules deposited on the ocean floor. These drones-in-waiting would allow the United States to maintain a strategic and stealth (and relatively cheap) presence at military hotspots around the world where the U.S. Navy can’t continuously monitor.

Study: 30 Percent Of Female Doctors Have Been Sexually Harassed

Even saving lives doesn’t exempt women from the drudgery of workplace sexual harassment: 30 percent of high-achieving female physicians say they have experienced sexual harassment at work, according to a study published today in JAMA.

The Rapid Rise Of Slow-Motion Porn

Slow-motion porn can look like something totally different than human beings having sex. Individual ripples of flesh look like rolling waves. Fluids fly through the air along gravity-defying trajectories. Ordinary sexual acts look like the zoomed-in, high-def scenes from a nature documentary.

Live Stream: Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference 2020

The great day has finally come as you can now stream Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference 2020.  Watch the live conference below and remain bl...