Friday, 1 July 2016

Seven Steps to Finding True Love

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There is probably no topic which has captivated people throughout the centuries and from most every culture than the topic of love. We put a man on the moon, broke the speed of sound, and mapped the human genome, but love remains a complete mystery. Science has not been able to explain it. Mathematics cannot predict it. Poets still wrestle with adequate words to describe it.

The Choice Is Yours

People have always struggled with this age-old question: what is at the bottom of our troubles? No matter how hard we try, education and money never seem to erase our troubles. Instead, they seem to increase our awareness of them. The poorest as well as the richest are affected.
An inner voice keeps telling us something is missing. We feel "out of tune" with the Almighty God to whom we are accountable.

Thursday, 30 June 2016

TOP 5 The Dirtiest Attractions Of The World

 1. Gum Wall (Seattle, Washington)

Strange tradition has appeared in Seattle and led to the emergence of an extravagant and unhygienic memo – a brick wall near the local theater, completely covered with chewing gum. The tradition began in the 90-ies of the last century. After the “Herculean” efforts of the numerous visitors of the theater, that were trying to get rid of their gum while waiting in queue, the wall has turned to a field of gum. For some people, it is one of the brightest Seattle points of interest, but for others it has a completely repulsive appearance.

7 The Strongest Kids In The World

 Giuliano and Claudiu Stroe

These two romanian brothers have so much strength and ability that they can perform exercise moves that grown professionals would have trouble replicating. Giuliano recently made headlines when he posted a video of himself performing 90-degree push ups.

7 Things You Should Never Do Before Making Love

It doesn’t matter how smooth you think you are in the bedroom, everyone is capable of making a mistake that can potentially weaken — if not completely kill — the moment, both before and after. In fact, studies show that between two love partners, there is a good chance one of them is guilty of at least one of the gaffes on our list.

Do You Want Whiter Teeth? Follow These Tips Today to Brighten Your Smile

 In the past when you wanted white teeth you would have to go to your dentist because that was the only way to get teeth whitening, usually with corrosive tooth bleach. Although bleach preparations have improved they can still be harsh. Here are a few do-it-yourself tips to help you get whiter teeth:

Monday, 27 June 2016

8 Signs He Loves You For Real And Forever!


One of the greatest joys in life is being in love. Suddenly, you have a bounce in your step, and the mere thought of the other person sends you into a fairytale. Finding the right person can be nothing short of challenging, but if you are one of the fortunate people who feels as though you found “the one”, here are eight telltale signs that he is the one who will love you forever.

Live Stream: Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference 2020

The great day has finally come as you can now stream Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference 2020.  Watch the live conference below and remain bl...