Wednesday, 18 May 2016

What if Your Phone Gets into the Wrong Hands?

What if Your Phone Gets into the Wrong Hands?
It’s amazing how quickly we have become dependent on our smartphones.  We now do practically everything on them – from banking to emailing, video and picture capture and storage, to confidential texting—you name it.
But, as with many new technologies, people tend to get seduced by the benefits, without understanding the risks – until something bad happens.

How to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone or Android Text Messages

Here’s some exciting news for parents looking to monitor their child’s text message activity. Child safety website TeenSafe has launched a new version that not only lets you view your child’s social network activity, but also lets you see if they're on the dating / hookup app Tinder, and read the text messages they send and receive on their Android or iPhone.

Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs in the World

If your work day sometimes seems to consist of nothing but boring meetings, running countless errands for your boss, sitting at a place the whole day, then consider yourself lucky.
There are so many dangerous jobs out there. Every year, thousands of U.S. workers die from injuries sustained from working in very hostile environments.
Let us not going into the figures of people that have died or sustained serious injuries from doing some certain types of jobs. I will simply prefer we look at the “Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs in the World“.
10. Firefighters
Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs in the World
From rushing into burning buildings to digging ditches in the middle of the Australian Outback, firefighters aren’t known for having the safest jobs in the world.

The Health Benefits of Red Wine

The Health Benefits of Red Wine
Can wine really improve our health and increase longevity? Scientists are beginning to say "Yes!" Supposing that the theory is true -- which wines give us the most bang for the buck?
Researchers have found that red wines rich in flavonoids are best for our health. Flavonoids are best known for their antioxidant qualities and help the body resist such maladies as allergens, viruses and carcinogens.
Red wines also contain anxioxidants, which help the body resist cancer and cardiovascular disease. Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Syrah and Pinot Noir contain the highest concentrations of antioxidants and flavonoids.

This New Natural Testosterone Booster Has Men Everywhere Raving

This New Natural Testosterone Booster Has Men Everywhere Raving
Wow... I'm getting old.
It's a disturbing thought, one that usually hits after an unexpected physical challenge — like weaker workouts, slower recovery, or not performing in the bedroom the way you used to.
And though you may not "feel old," you know you don't look or feel like the man you used to be.
The issue? You might not have enough free testosterone
A person's bloodstream contains two types of testosterone: bonded testosterone and free testosterone. Bonded testosterone attaches to molecules in the body and is mostly ineffective. However, free testosterone can enter your cells easily and plays a vital role in libido, strength, stamina, and vitality.
While the market is flooded with questionable options for increasing a man's free testosterone levels, a group of researchers in Boston, Massachusetts have developed a dietary supplement that's different. It triggers the body to increase its levels of free testosterone naturally and safely.

5 Beauty Tips for Married Women

The non-stop hustle and bustle of life can be hard enough, but add your marriage to the mix and your stress can be at an all-time high. Frequently, as married women we find ourselves putting everything else first; your partner, your children – everything seems to fall into play but our own self esteem.
It’s important that you continually care for yourself daily, not only to boost our own self-image but to keep your partner interested as well. Here are a few tips and tricks to helping take care in the midst of the crisis of life and marriage.


It’s important to remember it’s necessary to take care of yourself, and the best way to continue a healthy lifestyle is by having regular exercise. Whether you go for a walk alone to decompress, or spend hours sweating in the gym, your hormones, stress level and waist line will thank you in the end for the extra attention of adding exercise into your daily routine.

6 Ways To Keep a Healthy Body

Maintaining a healthy body lengthens your life span and increases the likelihood that you can maintain a high quality of life as you age. Following these 6 ways to keep a healthy body helps you reach and keep a high level of health.

1. Use alcohol in moderation.

When it comes to alcohol consumption, moderation is one of the most important ways to keep a healthy body. Women of all ages and men older than 65 should have no more than one drink a day, while men under 65 can have up to two drinks a day. Moderate drinking can help decrease the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke.
A single drink is equivalent to 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liqueur.

2. Avoid or stop smoking.

Live Stream: Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference 2020

The great day has finally come as you can now stream Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference 2020.  Watch the live conference below and remain bl...