Showing posts with label science and technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label science and technology. Show all posts

Friday, 17 June 2016

25 Fastest Things In The World

fastest things
The Japanese JR-Maglev has reached over 360mph (581km/h) on a magnetic levitation track
 Fastest Train

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Scientists on the verge of developing universal vaccine against cancer

A “very positive step” has been taken by scientists towards creating a universal vaccine against cancer that makes the body’s immune system attack tumours as if they were a virus, experts have said.

Writing in Nature, an international team of researchers described how they had taken pieces of cancer’s genetic RNA code, put them into tiny nanoparticles of fat and then injected the mixture into the bloodstreams of three patients in the advanced stages of the disease.

How a New Software Program Can Bring the World Together

How a New Software Program Can Bring the World Together 
James lives in Hawaii and his mother lives in Korea.  James speaks English (he never learned Korean), and his mom only speaks Korean.  They communicate perfectly.
Elad lives in Israel. His grandmother lives in Austria. Elad speaks no German and his Grandmother speaks no Hebrew.  They communicate perfectly.
Enrique is from Honduras, but he lives in the U.S.  Enrique just started learning English and speaks very little. But, everyday Enrique reads the latest local US news on the Web, with no problem.
What these individuals (and close to 60 million others around the world) share, is a remarkable, free software program called Babylon.

Monday, 30 May 2016

Scientists Fear 'Nightmare Bacteria'

E. coli bacteria
News this week of the discovery of a "superbug" was startling because such a bacterium, resistant to all forms of antibiotic medicine, had not previously been encountered in the United States.
The head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Tom Frieden, says this new bug is resistant to every antibiotic in a physician's arsenal of drugs, including Colistin.
Colistin has become the antibiotic of last resort for American physicians fighting what Frieden calls "nightmare bacteria," even though its toxic side-effects potentially include liver damage. The drug, known since the 1950s, has come into increasing use because it usually is effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Secret Nazi Messaging Device Discovered—Thanks To eBay

The German military used to the teleprinter to send encrypted messages during World War II
A Lorenz teleprinter. — The National Museum Of Computing
A teleprinter the Nazis used to send and receive secret messages during World War II was sitting in someone’s shed until museum volunteers discovered it was for sale and bought it for about $14—thanks to eBay.

A Trippy Theory About Dead Cats Could Change Quantum Physics

Schrodinger's cat—famous (theoretically, anyway) for being both alive and dead—can now exist in two places at once, study suggests
Photo Illustration: Diana Quach
Quantum physics isn’t always the most accessible area of science, but Schrodinger and his trusty, theoretical cat have been making it easier for the better part of a century.
In 1935, Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger—a colorful character who fled the Nazis with his wife and lover, only to land in Dublin and father a handful of children with multiple women—proposed a thought experiment.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Chinese company to unveil flexible smartphone

A small Chinese startup says it’s about to unveil a smartphone that can bend all the way around your wrist.

The device, produced by Moxi Group, will feature a flexible touchscreen that still works when looped and worn like a watch or a bracelet, according to the company. It also functions stretched flat, like any other smartphone.
The bendy screen uses graphene, the thinnest material in the world that’s also strong, light, transparent and flexible. Moxi says it has already produced a prototype of the phone and plans to put 100,000 units on sale in China by the end of this year.
It’s an impressive feat of innovation if it pulls it off — no other company is known to have brought a fully bendable smartphone to market.
But there’s a catch: the phones it intends to release initially will only have black-and-white displays. The company says it’s aiming for a full color version, which is more technically challenging to make, by 2018.
china moxi bendable mobile phone 

Live Stream: Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference 2020

The great day has finally come as you can now stream Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference 2020.  Watch the live conference below and remain bl...