Showing posts with label christian life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christian life. Show all posts

Friday, 1 July 2016

The Choice Is Yours

People have always struggled with this age-old question: what is at the bottom of our troubles? No matter how hard we try, education and money never seem to erase our troubles. Instead, they seem to increase our awareness of them. The poorest as well as the richest are affected.
An inner voice keeps telling us something is missing. We feel "out of tune" with the Almighty God to whom we are accountable.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Top 15 Questions Christian Teens Ask

 If you are a parent or youth worker, this list might help you get into their heads. It is a general consolidations of hundreds of questions.

Here are the top fifteen things that teenagers ask about when given the chance to do so anonymously:
1. How do I know what God’s will is? How do I know if I’m called to ministry?

Live Stream: Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference 2020

The great day has finally come as you can now stream Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference 2020.  Watch the live conference below and remain bl...