Saturday, 11 June 2016

Top 15 Questions Christian Teens Ask

 If you are a parent or youth worker, this list might help you get into their heads. It is a general consolidations of hundreds of questions.

Here are the top fifteen things that teenagers ask about when given the chance to do so anonymously:
1. How do I know what God’s will is? How do I know if I’m called to ministry?

2. What’s wrong with rock/country/CCM/jazz music? How can you tell what music is good and what is bad?

3. What do you do if you have parents/siblings who are living the wrong way? (one way in church, another way at home, dad on the internet) How do you avoid wrong influences when you live with them?

4. How do you take a stand with your friends/what do you do when you have a friend that is becoming rebellious?

5. How do you separate from bad friends without hurting them or making them think you’re stuck up? How can I be a witness to my friends and still be accepted?

6. What’s dangerous or wrong with being physical before marriage?

7. Why is it so hard to be consistent in the Christian life as a teenager?

8. What is appropriate and modest clothing for a Christian and why?

9. What’s wrong with … (fill in the blank with some area of separation)?

10. How do you get over/deal with a broken relationship (dating & friendships)?

11. Why does God allow trials/temptations to come into our lives?

12. What does having a relationship/walk with God really mean?

13. Should I consider going to a Christian college and why?

14. In dealing with authority, how can I explain things or make a point without sounding argumentative or disrespectful? Why do authority figures sometimes assume they know what you are thinking?

15. How do I deal with people and problems in my life that have hurt me deeply?

These questions reveal a lot of real life issues and a strong desire to know “why” or “how.” As adults, we ignore this list to our own detriment. This is what our young adults are seeking to understand. This is what has them tied up in knots. This is what holds them back spiritually, emotionally, etc. Thankfully, God’s Word has answers to every issue—and it’s up to us to apply His truth and make it come alive.

Don't worry will always  help out

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