Fleeting relationships come and go, but there’s nothing quite like being intertwined with that special someone who leaves an everlasting imprint on your soul. Everyone wants to find a soul mate, and many people chase after it endlessly. But how can you tell which relationships will truly make a soulful impact in your life? And is there only ONE potential soul mate for you out there?
Many people believe that we don’t choose our partners, and that destiny puts us together. Whether that’s true or not, it’s important to know if the person you’re in a relationship with truly has the potential to warm your heart forever. To gain a clearer vision when seeking your soul mate, these 10 signs should not go unnoticed:
1. Your soul mate is loyal
Loyalty is an essential quality of any close relationship, and you should definitely be able to check this off the list when seeking your soul mate. Having a strong assurance that they will be there for you in all times is a must.
Your soul mate will also be willing to remain by your side, even when you aren’t in a “season of harvest”. When you finally do connect with the right person, a union is made that goes far beyond any superficial situation.
2. Your soul mate is supportive
Support from your significant other is vital, and a soul mate should be able to provide this at all times, in all situations. Your soul mate will help uplift you, will stay aware of your emotions, and help pick you up when you’re feeling down.
Of all people, the person who touches your soul will know your vulnerabilities, and much like the ancient art of Kintsugi, your soul mate will help fill your cracks and make you stronger than ever before.
3. Your soul mate has similar morals and values
In the “talking” phase of your relationship, you probably talked to your partner about your hobbies, interests, favorite memories from childhood, and what your family is like. Sharing these things with your partner helps them get to know a little bit about you as a person, and likely set the stage for a second date.
Somewhere down the road, you probably wanted to know them on a deeper level and get an idea of their core values and morals. If both of you have very different interests and hobbies, but connect on a deeper, spiritual level, you will have a higher chance of making a lasting connection than two people who have no core values in common. In other words, the way you choose to live your life should match up with how your partner chooses to live theirs. If both of you have the same outlook on how to handle finances, how to raise children, where to live, have similar spiritual practices, and have the same general outlook on life, you will probably be able to maintain the relationship in the long-term.
The main point to take from this is that hobbies and interests change, while core values and beliefs usually don’t. Having these in common is key to making relationships last, according to a study done by researchers at Michigan State University.
4. Your soul mate sparks passion in you
When someone inspires you to bring out your best self and create from your heart, there’s a good chance that they could be a soul mate. This person will not suppress or distract you from your inner desires, but rather act as a catalyst to help you propel into the life you’ve always dreamed of.
You and your soul mate have the potential to become the best versions of your own selves, giving way for growth that you’ve only imagined. They know the importance of seeing you fully live (not just exist) as your best self, and will take the positive steps necessary to help you see your passion come to life.
5. You communicate comfortably with your soul mate
You can be confident that you may have found a soul mate when your words towards each other are kind and loving (more often than not). Of course, you’ll have your ups and downs, but if kind communication is consistent, you have a winning formula. You also know that you can tell your partner ANYTHING without being judged or criticized.
Likewise, you can be honest and expect understanding and love. If you feel like you cannot be open and honest, even during a moment of “human error”, that’s a sign of someone who may not match the energy of your soul.
6. Your soul mate knows how to make you feel special
We all have our own version of what we like when it comes to being loved, and your soul mate will learn to hone in on exactly what that is, making sure to love you in this way regularly. It can be as simple as a cup of coffee in the morning or a love note left on the table. Whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, your soul mate will always aim to please.
Of course we’re not referring to making someone a slave for love, but rather letting them know what you like and seeing them make conscious efforts to deliver that to you.
7. Your soul mate truly appreciates your affection
In the right relationship, it’s important to make all the non-physical connections such as comfortable communication, similar interests, etc., but there’s no denying the powerful energy produced when you physically connect with your soul mate. Just a single touch from that special someone can send chills through your body, and your soul mate is the one type of person who seeks to give, and receive, that feeling from you on a consistent basis.
Your soul mate will NOT simply “get what they want and be done with you”, but rather enjoy every moment of passion with you – every step leading up to it and every step leading down from it.
8. Your soul mate (always) thinks you’re irresistible
The person who makes you blush, no matter what time of day or day of the year, is surely a soul mate in the making. A soul mate type of relationship is one that looks past imperfections, messy hair, wrinkles, and little behaviors that may be considered “less than savory” by others.
Even when you don’t necessarily see your own radiance, your soul mate will. Your special someone doesn’t need to see you in your best dress to be enamored by your beauty.
9. Your soul mate makes you feel safe
Nowadays, everywhere we turn, we are exposed to shock. The news, social drama, and so many other situations send out negative energy that can leave you feeling separated and scared.
When these events occur, your soul mate will know how to greet you with open, tender arms that make you feel completely safe and secure. They will work to flood you with positive energy, eliminating the negative vibes that have the potential to separate you from your happiest self.
10. Your Soul Mate is trustworthy
With the negative temptations that life has to offer, it’s no wonder why breakups and divorce rates are at an all time high. It can be hard to stay confident that “The One” can really be trusted, but trust is a must, and finding your soul mate requires you to open up to an even higher level of trust.
These high levels of trust may seem high-risk for you, but you can be assured that your soul mate will not abuse the freedoms of your relationship, and that they will show an equal level of trust and openness, without trying to simply “keep up” with your level of effort.
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