Moment of realisation There are several things that a woman should not do when it comes to
meeting another person through the Internet and dating sites. These
things can be the end of a relationship you’ve tried to maintain with
another man.
First, when you’re chatting with a man in any forum or by email, don’t write the story of your life. His eyes will get tired and possibly drop from the chair trying to be awake.
Keep your story short and sweet until he ask you some details, then give him know these details in a simple manner and only answer questions that he ask you. For example, if he asks the number siblings you have, he isn’t necessarily asking for details.
He is just interested in knowing how many you have. Let’s say you
have two (or whatever the amount is), then you can ask how many he has.
For every question he asks you, you must ask one too. There is nothing
that discourages a man more than a woman that does not stop talking and
does not know when to be silent and listen.First, when you’re chatting with a man in any forum or by email, don’t write the story of your life. His eyes will get tired and possibly drop from the chair trying to be awake.
Keep your story short and sweet until he ask you some details, then give him know these details in a simple manner and only answer questions that he ask you. For example, if he asks the number siblings you have, he isn’t necessarily asking for details.
Never, ever, ever tell lies. Really, the lies will be discovered sooner or later. Many women and men lie about their age, marital status, employment, height, weight and many other things that include in their profile. This is a very big mistake.
If you find a man who really interests you, he will realize that he has been lied to and any chance of a relationship will end right then. So, you need to be sincere. You’ll find someone out there who will really enjoy your company and perhaps love the person you really are, so there is no need to lie.
Do not be too bold. That makes you seem too desperate and the man will get quickly discouraged. Men are mainly the conquerors and if they find that the person they love is very easy to get, he will possibly lose interest.
This does not mean that you should play the game of “hard to get”; what you shouldn’t do is to demand him to meet face to face immediately. Do not send e-mails or text messages very frequently. Always try to play safe and honest.
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