You may be wondering what body image means, whether you have positive body image or negative body image either towards you, your partner, your family or your community.
The word "body image" can be simply expanciated using the words as it comes so that every human on Earth can easy phantom it.
that is, so that everyone can understand it whether with the features of grammatical expressions or normal language terms. Body image simply means the mental interpretation of your body along with your feelings, thoughts and judgements.
The way you see yourself, the way you accept yourself, the way you think about your personal body, how beautiful you think you are without anyone's opinion, the way you are able to carry your body. Every human has a peculiar human body feature. Some are born short, tall, slim, fat, average height etc and all this can be categorized into three parts.
Humans have special body type some are ectomorphic in nature (slim), some are mesomorphic (average) while some are endomorphic (fat) in nature. All this category explains how body type and their special abilities. When you dislike your skin, your body shape, your hands, facial features, hair , eye colour or any specific part of your body it is called NEGATIVE BODY IMAGE.
What causes some people to have negative body image?
It is usually caused by feeling of inadequacy in comparison to a benchmark of the perfect body, whether fiction or real. Much of this is due to influence of magazines and media. Media are the most common fatcors that cause negative body image.
The kind of beauty contest , make-up and all that, that are carried on TV station can efficiently cause thought of ones body.
An example to clear this point out; a girl wanted to watch a TV program and when she turned on the station to Youngchinko TV, saw a lady with soft and sexy body features.
If the girl is not able to control her pulses, it will transmit into her brain and penetrate into her mind and therefore causing her to be worried of her body and her look. Boyfriend or Girlfriend Expectations are also factors that may cause negative body image. When your partner expects you to look like Genevieve or jun pyo.
You might be left with no option than to feel worried and thoughtful with heaviness and high laden. The society can also contribute to the result of Negative body image. The society are meant to take up from home care. Some graduate may be denied employment privileges because of their body appearance and this may contribute more to the outcome of body image.
Yes, POSITIVE BODY IMAGE has benefits and this benefits are only for those who are bold enough to stand up to the pressure and tell the whole world that they are beautiful regardless of their culture, colour or body type.
1. PROMOTION. Promotion is a good benefit that a person with high esteem can obtain. You can be promoted in your office due to your integrity and moral upright because you believe in you. Yeah, you believe in yourself.
2. RECOGNITION recognition is another benefit of positive body image. People will always know you for what you believe on and how you are able to tackle challenges without thinking of it impossibilities.
Success is also attributed to positive body image because it only those with high esteem that can succeed without difficulties.
4. HIGH SELF ESTEEM if you have positive body image then your esteem will be boosted as well and not just boosted but in the positive or high way as well.
I am not saying that someone with negative body image will experience this outcome but there is a high probability of encountering what am going to mention here and some that wont be mentioned.
1. Low Self Esteem.
2. Smoking and drinking
3. Depression and Dejection
4. Preoccupiances and loss of interest in Activities such as work and school activities
5. Unsafe tatooing and piercing
6. Having multiple partners
7. Heavy burden and laden
8. Undertaking harmful surgery e.g cosmetic.
9. Rape and violence
10. Un-delivered gender expectations either for the family or the community. Why not take up a step and stand to your will and believe in yourself , in your body type and make a difference because you are a great achieve. Dont forget to like and comment and keep visiting
Fb@ Godspower.chosen.1 onelove to my friends both in Nigeria, America and the world across.
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